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Straw Walls  team: Omar Hason, Kyle Wong, Jarad Christianson

Straw Walls are studies of functional surfaces from ultra cheap, opportunistic materials such as discarded plastics found on beaches and landfills.

Project Goals:

1.  Encourage an integrated design experience that operates within the realm of digital fabrication logic.

2.  Generate a discussion of ideas regarding the functionality of  a singular material, less than 1/16” in thickness.

3.  Encourage the employment of design experience that mediates a diverse relationship between material and process.

Design Considerations:

1. surface opacity  2. connection points between modules  3. open space as a result of consequence  4. structural ability

No element other than the module and its integral parts are used to achieve the surface. 

© 2018 Marcus Farr  /  Material Artifact LLC  |  Studio Architecture / Art Practices                                                                                              

Dubai, United Arab Emirates  |  contact:

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